The booklet "WIG WISDOM" which had been planned a long time ago and then not printed for several reasons will finally appear in a couple of months. This will give you full information on types of wigs, styling, care, costs etc. When it has actually been printed and the price determined it will be announced.

However, the important thing is that beginning right away wigs will be available from Chevalier Publications through cooperation with a Hollywood distributor.

While it is recognized that readers pocketbooks vary considerably and therefore several price ranges are of- fered, we do not propose to deal in the real cheap type of product. These can be obtained in so many different kinds of stores that there is no problem. It is our intent in this as well as everything else Chevalier has under- taken to serve your interests and save you money where possible. The arrangements that have been made will provide you with pieces of fine quality but at consider- ably less than regular going prices. Furthermore, cleaning setting and styling service will be available by mail. All of this will be detailed in WIG WISDOM, but now- the prices.


A. Machine- wefted 100% human hair, Oriental source 8" length, black to medium blonde


Our price



Reg. Retail



B. One of the finest machine wefted 100% human hair European source, 8" length, all colors.

Our Price




Reg. Retail $225.00

C. Hand tied, fully ventilated 100% human hair of

Oriental origin.

Our Price



Reg. Retail $235.00


D. Very top quality, hand tied, fully ventilated, 100% human European hair, made in Spain, 12" lengths. Available, all colors, the best.

Our Price - $200.00


Reg. Retail $350.00

Order From: Chev. Pubs. Box 36091, Los Angeles, Calif.